Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014


Hi guys...
today is thuesday...i come late go to campus about 30 minute. i arrive in campus at 8 oclock. when i friend and my chairman have arrived. we wait for meeting at 9 oclock. its mean we have one hours to do something. while we waiting,,, i try to finishing my student mark for SP.  Yaaaaa...i can do it,,their mark have finished.
we began meeting at 09.30. late 30- minute..always like that,,, indonesian people ( hihiihihi)
we talking about 6 point. they are:
1. performance evaluation of departement of mathematics
2. the division of tasks
3. college contract
4. college roster
5. PKLT ( Student Practice)
6. socialization meetings management
we meeting until 11 oclock. after that i make silabus for college until 12.30. and then i go home to ISOMA. i take a rest for 2 hour. after that, at 16 oclock i go to campus again to take timesheet.
becouse im fasting to day, i want to breaking the fast on the outside. i go with eka to Martabak MUI in Telanai.
we come back to go home at 20.15 pm.
okey guys......
thats all my story today..

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PEMILU 2024 (PART 1)

 Assalamualaikum sahabatku Sudah lama tidak menggoreskan tinta di blog ini, ya sudah hampir 2 tahun. cukup lama ya tidak menulis. iyaa sudah...