Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014


Hi guys...
today is thursday. i go to campus early n im on time today. good progress i think. i hope for future contans n better than. i picket today. so standby at office. about at 12..00 pm. we go to Biologi chairman for silaturahmi. she invite us. we go to there together. 3 car and 2 motorcycle. we come back to campus at 14.00 pm. n to do something at office and at 16.00 pm. i take timesheet. ang go home. before i go home i used to stop by to atm n shoping to alfamart. i arrive at home at 16.45. pm. im late for ashar pray..ampuni aku Allah.
ok..thats all today...usually..no good news..
thanks guys...

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PEMILU 2024 (PART 1)

 Assalamualaikum sahabatku Sudah lama tidak menggoreskan tinta di blog ini, ya sudah hampir 2 tahun. cukup lama ya tidak menulis. iyaa sudah...