Selasa, 05 Agustus 2014


Today...we go to campus. i go to campus with eka, my best friend. we only bring one motorcycle. when we chairman of department n the other friend busy to cleaning our room. about 3 hour we cleaning room. Alhamdulillah 10 oclock finish. we only 4 person + chairman to do that. actually there are six  faculty contract., but two person absent. we dont know, where is she.
after that we go to mosque to attend the halal bi halal with all the staff at IAIN. Halal bi halal plus lunch. niceeee. after that dzhuhur pray n come back to majors.
For this August, we only work in office because lecture begins at 3 sept.

we prepare to finishing silabus n sAP.

FIGHT..dhevie...u can be best.....:]

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PEMILU 2024 (PART 1)

 Assalamualaikum sahabatku Sudah lama tidak menggoreskan tinta di blog ini, ya sudah hampir 2 tahun. cukup lama ya tidak menulis. iyaa sudah...