Rabu, 13 Agustus 2014


hi guys...
Today is wednesday...i go to campus late again...i dont know, whats wrong with me.  i arrive in campus at 07.48 am.  i promise for tomorrow n future, i will on time go to campus.
today my activity not in campus, i go with my chairman department to survey at several schools in Jambi. i go until 13.00 pm. after that i back to go home for pray.  i late zhuhur pray today. and then when i will go to campus, suddenly rain. so i go to campus after the rain stops.
today my story only about my job. no story about love today. i still loking for someone. i always pray to get good man in my life. Amiiin
Pray me y Guys....

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PEMILU 2024 (PART 1)

 Assalamualaikum sahabatku Sudah lama tidak menggoreskan tinta di blog ini, ya sudah hampir 2 tahun. cukup lama ya tidak menulis. iyaa sudah...